Topic: Hide Buttons during Autoplay [SOLVED]

I'm new here, just built my first gallery, and I wonder: Is there a way to hide the buttons during autoplay??? During a slideshow my buttons (in overlay) are always there. No problem on a big screen, but on my tablet they are over my image. I know I can put them above the image, but that makes my image smaller. I would like to hide them till I touch my tablet-screen again.

Is that possible?


Re: Hide Buttons during Autoplay [SOLVED]

You can set the options:

                showOpenButton: "FALSE",
                shareFacebook: "FALSE",
                shareTwitter: "FALSE",
                shareGPlus: "FALSE",
                showExpandButton: "FALSE",

I hope i forgot no option,...
else look there

Greetings Peter

Re: Hide Buttons during Autoplay [SOLVED]

Thanks for your reply Peter. But that's not what I meant.

The thing is: right now I use 4 buttons: Show Thumbnails, Expand Gallery, Start Autoplay and Show Information, and I like those, I want to keep them. I'd just like them to go away after starting Autoplay, to return when I need them - i.g. when I touch the screen or click the mouse. Like some other Overlays that disappear after a few seconds of inactivity, I've seen that somewhere.

Sort of an option to Autohide the buttons after starting Autoplay of the Gallery. Does this make any sense?

And is it possible???

Re: Hide Buttons during Autoplay [SOLVED]

If you set showInfoButton="TRUE" (to display the Info Button), then this overrides the default behavior of the overlay and the Button Bar will always be visible (so that a visitor to your site can toggle the remaining items on the overlay via the Info Button).
If you set showInfoButton="FALSE", then the entire overlay (including the Button Bar) can be hidden. It can autohide after a set amount of time (the value of the inactivityTimeout configuration option) and can disappear on mousing out of a gallery or tapping the screen on a mobile device (when showImageOverlay="AUTO").

The only way to hide the Button Bar when showInfoButton="TRUE" might be to use Juicebox-Pro API and JavaScript to apply custom CSS rules to internal Juicebox classes which I would not recommend as Juicebox would not know of such modifications and this may cause problems when the gallery is redrawn (for example when the gallery is expanded or when the browser window's size if changed).
There are at least a couple of other issues that would need to be overcome:

  • There is no Juicebox-Pro API method to make any changes when AutoPlay starts (or ends).

  • Even if you could hide the Button Bar when AutoPlay starts, you would need to manually code a solution for having the Button Bar reappear.

Unfortunately, Juicebox-Pro was not designed with such functionality in mind and trying to implement it might turn into a complex project fraught with difficulties.

Re: Hide Buttons during Autoplay [SOLVED]

Yes, ThanX, that's it: remove the Info-button...

But this way, when on a big screen on autoplay, I can see sometimes it's a bit difficult to loose the overlay. If the mouse is on the wrong spot, the overlay goes away after a few seconds, just to return with the next photo...

Nonetheless I'm quite happy now! So ThanXaGaiN!