1 (edited by monotonsystem 2015-01-30 22:17:17)

Topic: Juicebox overlay for titles and caption not aligned with image


I have got a juicebox gallery running in a photo portfolio webpage which I have created with Showkase.

Now, as I resize my browser window, the Juicebox' title+caption overlay won't stay aligned with my photos.  Instead the title+caption overlay slides to the bottom of my page and sits on top of the thumbnails, rather staying where my photos are, and where viewers of my page would expect a caption to be.

I expect my juicebox gallery to look exactly as in the demo: http://juicebox.net/demos/lite/full/

Some of my galleries are using 16:9 widescreen photos while others are using standard 3:2 aspect ratio. The problem occurs with both image aspect ratios.

Any ideas what I can do to align the title+caption overlay with the image bottom ?

Any help is appreciated,

Kind regards, Juergen

Re: Juicebox overlay for titles and caption not aligned with image

Please post the URL to your gallery so that I can take a look at it.
It would be much easier to troubleshoot your problem if I can see it for myself. Thank you.

In the meantime, please make sure that you are using the latest versions of Juicebox and Showkase.
Upgrading Juicebox: http://www.juicebox.net/support/upgrade/
Upgrading Showkase: http://www.showkase.net/support/upgrade/

The default captionPosition (used by Juicebox-Lite) was changed from OVERLAY to OVERLAY_IMAGE in Juicebox v1.4.3 and the Lite Full demo gallery you quoted uses captionPosition="OVERLAY_IMAGE".
If you are using an older version of Juicebox, your gallery will be using captionPosition="OVERLAY" (and captionPosition is a Pro option which cannot be changed in Juicebox-Lite).
This may explain your problem, in which case upgrading your Juicebox gallery (following the instructions in the link above) will solve it.