Topic: Images embedded in web site

Is there an option to embed images to html? I don't want to use config.xml file.
My images are changing hourly, so I want to embed it in html with php. The way other galleries do.
Something like:
<a href="big image"><img src="thumbnail" /></a>

Or can I added it with javascript together with options:

new juicebox({
containerId: "juicebox-container",
galleryWidth: "100%",
galleryHeight: "100%",
images: [{thumb: "", large: ""}]

Re: Images embedded in web site

Every Juicebox gallery must have its images listed in an XML file (unless sourced by a Flickr account). It is not possible to list the images in the HTML page containing the embedding code.

You could, however, use a PHP script instead of a static XML file to build the gallery's XML file on the web server at the time the gallery is viewed.
Please see this forum post which has an example of how to display all images within a designated directory.

Hopefully you can use this technique to solve your own problem.

Re: Images embedded in web site

Thank you.