Topic: Can save new gallery but no subsequent edits in Wordpress
I'm using WP-juicebox. Everything is the latest version, and I've also disabled all other plugins. It seems I can create a new gallery with whatever settings I want and save it, but I can't subsequently save any edits to that gallery. I can do the edits on screen, and I can click "SAVE", but nothing actually saves. I checked the actual xml file in the uploads folder, and I can confirm that the original gallery xml file is there... without any changes having been saved. When I go to the gallery on the actual website, it works fine, except that it's always as originally saved when I created it.
Same thing applies to default settings. I can change them on screen and save them, but nothing actually saves.
P.S. I'm using Wordress' default Twentytwelve theme. No problem with saving settings in any other plugins.