Topic: Edit browser tab


Can i edit the browser tab of the gallery, so that it dosnt say Juicebox Gallery, but something else?

Re: Edit browser tab

Yes. If you are creating your gallery with JuiceboxBuilder-Lite v1.4.2, the Gallery Title (from the 'Customize' tab) will be displayed in the browser's tab.
Otherwise, you can edit the gallery's HTML index page in a plain text editor and change the contents of the <title> tag in the <head> section.

Re: Edit browser tab

Thanks :)

Another question:

Can i edit the gallery title? I want it moved a bit down the page and give it another font.. Is that possible?

Re: Edit browser tab

The Gallery Title can be positioned using the galleryTitlePosition (OVERLAY, TOP, ABOVE_THUMBS, NONE) and galleryTitleHAlign (LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT) configuration options. However, please not that these configuration options are available in Juicebox-Pro only. They are not available in Juicebox-Lite, the free version.) Both of these configuration options can be found in the General section of the Config Options page.

You can change the font used throughout the gallery using the galleryFontFace configuration option. Again, this is a Pro-only configuration option (which can also be found in the General section of the Config Options page).

With Juicebox-Lite (and Juicebox-Pro), you could change the font of the Gallery Title using HTML formatting as noted in this FAQ:
How do I add HTML formatting to the Gallery Title or Back Button?

For example, in JuiceboxBuilder-Lite, you could enter a Gallery Title such as the following:

<span style="font-family: Times; font-size: 20px; color: #ffff00;">Big times text</span>