1 (edited by peteranti 2014-07-21 18:36:25)

Topic: Facebook and # commands

I am using adobe Muse to create a webpage where multiple juicebox galleries appear in one html page.
I also use scrolling anchors for each gallery.
Problem is, the facebook share link in any juicebox gallery, creates a URL with a # command at the end indicating the number of the image that is currently visible but not a # command for which gallery to scroll to.

i.e the generated FB share link for the 'lepidus' gallery for the 3rd image will be:
http://petrosantoniou.businesscatalyst. … nal.html#3
leading to the top of the page with every gallery flicked to the 3rd image, but does not scroll to the correct gallery
Ideally, the link would be:
http://petrosantoniou.businesscatalyst. … ml#lepidus
leading to the 'lepidus' gallery in the page and somehow the third image will be visible instead of the first as is with the above link

Is this possible?

Re: Facebook and # commands

Juicebox cannot distinguish between multiple galleries on a single web page using the # to specify a unique gallery on the page as well as share a specific image within a gallery (and the code that deals with this is within the 'juicebox.js' JavaScript file which is packed and obfuscated and cannot be modified).
Unfortunately, I cannot think of a workaround for this (I have tried using query strings and window.location.hash in a test scenario without success).
If you like, you could perhaps suggest this for a future version of Juicebox in the Feature Requests thread.