Steven this worked perfectly, thank you. I adjusted the width and height, but didn't do it through API, just in the code itself here:
new juicebox({
containerId: "juicebox-container",
galleryWidth: "732px",
galleryHeight: "1250px",
backgroundColor: "rgba(241,241,228,1)"
I still have a bit of tweaking to do.
Is there a way to make the thumbnails closer to the image as I now have a lot of room between the images and the thumbs, or even have them move dynamically? See the previous gallery link.
The reason for the large frame width was because I wanted the thumb selected to look greyed out and not just a border. Is there a way to have it a solid square instead of just a frame?
The errors on the page were due to me adding links in the captions area, but forgetting quotes here and there. Dumb mistake. The other errors are to make the page borders change based on what is in the page. It's a little trick we do so we don't have to keep adding border images and it shouldn't effect the Juicebox content.
Thank you for getting back to me so promptly. You guys run a good forum.