Topic: Mobile - No Thumbs & Click photo goes to another screen [SOLVED]

When viewing on mobile (Android and iOS) - I'm wondering if I can get the row of thumbnails to show along the bottom of the main image AND if I can then keep the user on the homepage as they cycle through the thumb images - as I can on the desktop.

IOW looking to have the mobile function exactly like the desktop.

Hesitant to purchase without this knowledge.

Thanks for any insight.

Re: Mobile - No Thumbs & Click photo goes to another screen [SOLVED]

Set screenMode="LARGE" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> General' section) rather than using its default value of AUTO and the gallery will be displayed in Large Screen Mode on all devices and in all browsers (with the thumbnails and main images displayed on the same page).

For more information about Juicebox and Screen Modes, please see the Screen Modes support section.

Please note that screenMode is a Juicebox-Pro only configuration options which is not available in Juicebox-Lite.

Re: Mobile - No Thumbs & Click photo goes to another screen [SOLVED]

OK I purchased PRO version and your suggestions above helped with my issues - and also created some additional concerns.

The left/right arrows on the large image are buggy - they work for a few slides and then disappear randomly.

Also - using Flickr - I now noticed that each image has its own line of code - using Flickr in the lite version did not produce this code. Is this extra code needed for images to show on mobile devices or something? Because i was really hoping to load the slide show with new images dynamically through flickr without having to update the code each time.

Thanks for your help.

Re: Mobile - No Thumbs & Click photo goes to another screen [SOLVED]

The left/right arrows on the large image are buggy - they work for a few slides and then disappear randomly.

In Touch Input Mode (on mobile devices), a tap on the screen (anywhere other than on a button) will toggle the overlay on and off. (Images can still be navigated by swiping left and right.) It sounds like this might be what is happening.
Try setting showInfoButton="TRUE" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Button Bar' section). This overrides the default behavior for the overlay and it will be toggled on and off only when the user clicks on the Info Button on the Button Bar.

using Flickr - I now noticed that each image has its own line of code

What you are referring to is likely to be the SEO Content produced by JuiceboxBuilder-Pro. It is selected by default but you can switch it off by deselecting the 'Add SEO Content' checkbox in the 'Customize -> Sharing' section.
This code is used purely for Search Engine Optimization reasons and is not actually required for the gallery itself at all. Please see the SEO support section for further details.

5 (edited by brahmulus 2014-05-29 23:13:57)

Re: Mobile - No Thumbs & Click photo goes to another screen [SOLVED]

Fantastic feedback, those fixes worked.

Almost there...

The last burning issue is that on iOS the juicebox-pro embedded flickr gallery is causing the entire webpage to enlarge/zoom-in to an odd unusable percentage.

If I remove the gallery the web page fills the mobile screen properly on either orientation - when I put the code back in, the page loads at a zoomed in view AKA all you can see is a bit of the website and an enlarged corner of the slide images.


Looks like this frustrating "juicebox-pro is auto zooming my web page" is a mobile Safari issue, not iOS. I downloaded another browser on iOS and the gallery scaled/displayed properly.

Hoping for the Safari fix of the century when you have time to respond. Thanks.

Re: Mobile - No Thumbs & Click photo goes to another screen [SOLVED]

It sounds like you might be setting expandInNewPage="FALSE". There is a known bug whereby setting expandInNewPage="FALSE" will change the scale of the embedding web page. This bug will hopefully be fixed in the next version of Juicebox but, in the meantime, try setting expandInNewPage="TRUE" instead to see it this makes a difference.

Re: Mobile - No Thumbs & Click photo goes to another screen [SOLVED]


Any cloudiness in how to tweak Juicebox is easily off-set by your forum support. I'm glad I made the purchase and thank you for holding my hand through install.

Re: Mobile - No Thumbs & Click photo goes to another screen [SOLVED]

You're welcome!