Topic: Auto Use of Keywords for ALT tags set in Lightroom


I have JBpro1.4.0 and I'm trying to utilise the Keywords for SEO and ALT tags I set in lightroom for my images.

When using JBpro I understand the ALT tags are inserted into the index.html file from the words I manually insert in the images/caption field however I need a quicker more efficient way. I have used keywords for each image I process in lightroom. These words are added to the "tags" attribute in each image file when Lightroom processes the image, but I can't manage to get JBpro to use these. Is there a way?

Re: Auto Use of Keywords for ALT tags set in Lightroom

I can't manage to get JBpro to use these. Is there a way?

No. It is not possible to tell JuiceboxBuilder-Pro what data to use to populate the tags and attributes in the SEO content code.
JuiceboxBuilder-Pro will always use the image title for the <img> tag's 'title' attribute and the image caption for the <img> tags's 'alt' attribute (and will also use both the title and caption as text within <p> tags).

Re: Auto Use of Keywords for ALT tags set in Lightroom

Hi Steven,

thanks for the prompt reply.

It's a bit confusing because LR doesnt populate these fields the same way. It would be great to find a way, but it seems the answer lies in light room to do the work. Can you suggest a way? Because entering all the text manually in JB seems cumbersome... or maybe i'm just lazy?

I've heard there is a way when creating wordpress galleries to automatically extract this keyword data, and i hoped we could do the same here.

thanks again

Re: Auto Use of Keywords for ALT tags set in Lightroom

Unfortunately, there is no quick and easy solution to your problem.

It is certainly not possible to change the way JuiceboxBuilder-Pro generates the SEO content code.

If the data you wanted to use for your SEO content code were embedded in the IPTC Document Title and Description fields within your images, then you could have JuiceboxBuilder-Pro use this information to automatically populate the image titles and captions respectively (using 'Images -> Titles' and 'Images -> Captions' from the drop-down menu at the top). The image titles and captions (sourced from the image's IPTC fields) would then be used in the SEO content code.

Perhaps you could find a program that would create a batch process to copy the content of the IPTC Keywords field into the Document Title and/or Description fields of all your images so that you could use this information within JuiceboxBuilder-Pro.

Otherwise, you could perhaps use a plugin (for example for Lightroom or WordPress) to create your gallery and then modify the plugin to generate SEO content code.
However, this would likely be a complex and time-consuming project.
You would need to:
(1) be familiar with the structure of the plugin you intend to modify.
(2) be familiar with the programming language used by the plugin (e.g. Lua for Lightroom or PHP for WordPress).
(3) create a method to iterate over the images in your gallery.
(4) extract the information you want to use for your SEO code from the images.
(5) output the SEO content (using the information extracted from the images) as HTML code to the web page.

How this would be achieved would differ greatly between plugins but the principle (the five steps above) would remain the same.

Re: Auto Use of Keywords for ALT tags set in Lightroom

Hi Steven.

Thanks for your encouraging reply. I googled "batch process to copy the content of the IPTC Keywords field" and got … captioning so it's definitely possible. I'll look into it and try to squeeze it in my work flow.

Thanks again for your support and great piece of software.