Topic: Can't get the home/back button to work [SOLVED]

I've just purchased the Pro version and I don't seem to be able to active the home/back button in my gallery. I use the Lightroom plugin and I've read the JB configuration options ( but it won't show, I've also tried just editing the config.xml file to add the option, no success.

I feel like it's a bit unclear exactly what options to use in order to activate the home/back button. I've tried the following options:


Of course not all of these at the same time.

Re: Can't get the home/back button to work [SOLVED]

You'll need to set backButtonPosition to either TOP or OVERLAY.
If you do not set backButtonPosition, then Juicebox will use its default value of NONE and the Back Button will not be displayed (regardless of any of the other Back Button options which may have been set).
For reference, a list of all Back Button configuration options can be found here.

Re: Can't get the home/back button to work [SOLVED]

Awesome, thanks! :)

Though, that wasn't really clear when reading the configurable options.