Topic: Need to move a juiceboxgallery from html site to wordpress - best way?

Is there an easy way, to avoid recreating or uploading the images to the WP Media Library, to simply MOVE the current gallery that is on the static site over to the new WP site? 

I see that the plug in is supposed to created a Juicebox folder, so wondering if I can copy my current folder over from the static site into the new Juicebox folder, and then paste same code into the page, via the Editor?

This gallery is likely to be updated later, and at that time I want to look more in depth at your pro level product.

We have at least 8 custom tours, and each of those pages have slideshow created from the gallery that also resides there, and currently it is a two plugin process.  I have a feeling I can make this simpler in the future, but no time right now.

Mainly, for now, I would like to move the current general Juicebox gallery from the static site to the WP site.
Can you give me a solution for this?

Thanks so much!!!


Re: Need to move a juiceboxgallery from html site to wordpress - best way?

If your static site and WordPress site are on the same domain, then you can simply leave the gallery folder exactly where it is and use the baseUrl method of embedding (as documented here) to embed the gallery in a WordPress page or post (ensuring that, when you enter the embedding code into the body of your page or post, the method of entry is 'Text' rather than 'Visual').

If your static site and WordPress site are on different domains, then you could copy the gallery folder across from one domain to the other and then use the baseUrl method of embedding.

Please note that doing the above does not require the use of WP-Juicebox (the dedicated Juicebox plugin for WordPress) at all.

I see that the plug in is supposed to created a Juicebox folder

The 'wp-content/uploads/juicebox/' directory created by WP-Juicebox is simply for storage of XML files generated by the plugin. I would not recommend that you upload anything manually to that directory.

Re: Need to move a juiceboxgallery from html site to wordpress - best way?

Thanks Steven...

Given that I am developing the new WP site on a dev site url (different than the actual domain)... should I wait til the site has been migrated back over to the domain and then follow those instructions above? 

Of course, I will have to back up and save the current static site before the migration in order to actually retain the folder.
And if that is the case, is there more than one folder I will need?

The domain is going to be the same... so, is it easier or safer to wait until that is complete... rather than have the client be able to review ahead of time on the dev site, or will the updating of the links to the domain when we migrate a site work for the gallery also?

Thanks for your prompt reply.

Re: Need to move a juiceboxgallery from html site to wordpress - best way?

is there more than one folder I will need?

This depends entirely on the structure of the Juicebox galleries on your static site.
If each gallery is a self-contained entity in its own folder, then this will simplify matters and all you need to do is copy across all the complete gallery folders.
However, if your galleries currently share a 'jbcore' folder or all of your galleries draw images from a single directory of images (or the gallery structure is somehow non-standard), then it may be more difficult to separate out the gallery files from all the other files on your web server.
As long as all your Juicebox galleries are clearly separate from each other, then there should not be a problem.

should I wait til the site has been migrated back over to the domain and then follow those instructions above?

Whether you do this now or later is up to you. As long as you use relative paths in your embedding code and gallery XML files, then you should not need to change any paths when changing domains.

It might be wise to try the process with one of your galleries just now to see if you encounter any unforeseen problems which could perhaps be worked out ahead of time.