Topic: Navigation Bar Disappears When No Info and Mouse Moved Away
I recently noticed what I believe is a minor bug, or a quirk... or at least I don't think this is intentional.
I have several cases in which I have identical (except for the pictures within them) non-embedded galleries, except that:
1) some of the galleries have:
A) showInfoButton=FALSE
B) captionBackColor="rgba(0,0,0,0)"
C) no caption text in any of the pictures
2) while the other galleries have:
A) showInfoButton=TRUE
B) caption text in many of the pics;
In the first group of galleries, if you move your mouse outside of the browser frame -- i.e., to the Windows taskbar area or to the browser's menu area (or outside of the browser application itself, if it is not maximized) -- the navigation bar and my home-page icon disappear while the mouse is thus moved. However, for the second group of galleries, such mouse movement has no effect at all, i.e., the navigation bar and home icon remain visible. It is that visibility difference that I am questioning.
Note that both sets of galleries still have focus after moving the mouse out of the browser area. That is, even if the navigation bar is not shown in the "showInfoButton=FALSE" galleries after the mouse is moved, say, to the taskbar area, you can still use the Home, End, and left- and right-arrow keys to look at different images in the loaded gallery.
This is the environment for me:
Juicebox Pro 1.3.3
jAlbum 11.6.4
Vista Home Premium SP2 32-bit SP2
The jAlbum Juicebox settings checked are:
Show Open Button
Show Thumbnails Button
Use Fullscreen Expand
Display Captions
The jAlbum Pro-area options are, with the exception of the two options discussed above:
backButtonText=<a href="" target="_top"><img src="" width="32" height="32" alt="Home (Bill & Dot's Excellent Pages)"></a>
Two such differing galleries are, for example:
Tested using the following browsers:
Firefox 25.0.1
IE 9.0.8112.16421
Opera 18.0
Safari (for Windows) 5.1.7
Thanks for any thoughts on this.
Bill P.