Topic: [SOLVED] sourcepath

I've just bought JB and I'm creating my first gallery. I've noticed that in the xml the sourcepath is


and it's referring to the path relative to my hard drive. This path will not be correct when I'll upload my gallery on the web server.

How can I avoid this?

Re: [SOLVED] sourcepath

This is normal and perfectly OK.
The sourcePath is used only by JuiceboxBuilder-Pro (locally on your own computer) when editing a gallery.
It is not used by the gallery itself when uploaded to a web server.

For example, if you had previously added a watermark to your images and choose to remove the watermark, JuiceboxBuilder-Pro would need to know the path to the original source images on on your hard drive in order to rebuild the gallery without the watermark.

Re: [SOLVED] sourcepath

Perfect, thank you!