1 (edited by herb875 2013-10-30 11:36:32)

Topic: Button Bar below main image - with CSS?

Hello to all,

with the Juicebox builder unfortunately you can not position the button bar below the main image.

I'm trying to create a layout (made with Simple Viewer Pro) in this example:
http://www.kai-abresch.de/01-portfolio/ … erieur.htm

Is there a way to do that with CSS?

Kind regards, Kai

Re: Button Bar below main image - with CSS?

You could try to reposition the Button Bar using CSS (rather than the buttonBarPosition configuration option) but there may be unwanted knock-on side-effects (for example, when the browser window is resized and the gallery is redrawn) as Juicebox will know only of the configuration option settings and will not be aware of (or take into consideration) any changes to the default CSS rules in the 'theme.css' file. Also, depending on whether or not the Button Bar is positioned on the overlay, the visibility of the Button Bar may also have to be taken into consideration.

You could try using custom CSS (such as margins, padding or absolute positioning) on the .jb-bb-bar class but please note that such modifications are not officially supported and you may run into problems.