Topic: I new customer with pro version please help me

I use module in drupal site.  I buy Pro version.  I want use Pro with drupal module.  How?

And I want have minimal custimisation.  Please,, help me take settings.

My skype:   kazfoto

Re: I new customer with pro version please help me

Instructions for using the Juicebox module for Drupal can be found on this web page.

In order to use the module with Juicebox-Pro, use the 'jbcore' folder from the Juicebox-Pro download zip package ('juicebox_pro_1.3.3/web/jbcore/') in Step #3 of the Installation instructions on this web page.

Please note that web did not write the module ourselves and support for the module should be directed towards the Drupal forums where the author of the module should be able to help you further.

Alternatively, you can manually embed a Juicebox gallery in a Drupal page by following the 'Embedding in a Drupal Site' instructions here.

Re: I new customer with pro version please help me

How I can change width - height  and position of caption block?  I need open caption in full screen (with big text - 500-1000 symbols)  with overflow for image in 100% for height of window size and 300 px for width  and I need X - close button for caption (for see image without caption?  Can I do it?

Re: I new customer with pro version please help me

How I can change width - height  and position of caption block?

The width of the caption area is determined by the captionPosition. If captionPosition is set to OVERLAY or BOTTOM, its width matches the width of the entire stage. If captionPosition is set to OVERLAY_IMAGE or BELOW_IMAGE, its width matches the width of the main image. If captionPosition is set to BELOW_THUMBS, its width matches the width of the thumbnail area.

The height of the caption area can be set via the maxCaptionHeight configuration option.
Please note that this value will be used for the caption height only when captionPosition is set to BELOW_IMAGE, BOTTOM or BELOW_THUMBS. When captionPosition is set to OVERLAY or OVERLAY_IMAGE, the maxCaptionHeight value determines the maximum possible height of a caption.

For reference, the Caption Options can be found here.

I need open caption in full screen (with big text - 500-1000 symbols)  with overflow for image in 100% for height of window size and 300 px for width  and I need X - close button for caption (for see image without caption?

Juicebox-Pro does not natively feature the ability to display captions in separate tabs or windows with a close button.
By default, the caption area is displayed on the overlay and the overlay is toggled on and off when the users hovers over and out of the gallery. If you do not want your caption to be displayed on top of your main images, set captionPosition to BELOW_IMAGE, BOTTOM or BELOW_THUMBS.
Otherwise you could set showInfoButton="TRUE" so that visitors to your web site can toggle the overlay on and off via the Info Button on the Button Bar.

If you really want to have your captions opened in a new tab or window, you could either:
(1) Create a link in your standard gallery caption which would open a new page with your extended text. You can include links in captions by using HTML formatting (specifically the <a> tag) as documented in this FAQ. As Juicebox-Pro does not natively support such functionality, this setup (separate caption pages for each image) would need to be constructed manually.
... or:
(2) You could set the captions in Juicebox-Pro as normal and use the Juicebox-Pro API (specifically teh getImageInfo() method) to display the caption when a custom 'Display Caption' button (created by yourself and placed elsewhere on your web page alongside your gallery) is opened.
As an example, create a test Juicebox-Pro gallery using JuiceboxBuidler-Pro and use the following code as your gallery's 'index.html' page.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
        <style type="text/css">
            body {
                margin: 0px;
        <script src="jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
            jb = new juicebox({
                containerId: 'juicebox-container',
                galleryWidth: '600',
                galleryHeight: '400'
            function display_caption() {
                var index = jb.getImageIndex();
                var info = jb.getImageInfo(index);
                var caption = info.caption;
                var popup ='', 'caption', 'width=300, height=400, scrollbars=yes');
                popup.document.write('<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8" /><title>Caption</title></head><body><div>' + caption + '</div></body></html>');
        <div id="juicebox-container"></div>
        <div id="caption-button">
            <a href="#" onclick="javascript: display_caption(); return false;">Click to display caption.</a>

You could change the '' function for whatever JavaScript method you like to display your captions (such as a lightbox modal dialog).
If you wanted to incorporate the 'Display Caption' button into the gallery itself, you could use the 'Open Image' button, changing its functionality, icon and rollover tooltip text.
To change its functionality, you would need to set each image's linkUrl (in your gallery's XML file) to linkUrl="javascript: display_caption();" (the name of the custom function in the gallery's 'index.html' page used to display the caption) and set each image's linkTarget to linkTarget="_self".
To change its icon, follow the 'Using Custom Icons' instructions on the Theming support page.
To change its rollover tooltip text (to something like 'Click to display caption.'), use the languageList configuration option.

Please note that this would need to be done manually on a gallery-by-gallery basis and could not be incorporated into the Drupal module.