Topic: Sharing - changing location of image and which is use

Hi, I'd like to put a Pintrest button centered below the large portfolio image instead of having it appear top right. I'd also like to change the button itself to be a different one. Can you help? Thanks!

Re: Sharing - changing location of image and which is use

I'd like to put a Pintrest button centered below the large portfolio image instead of having it appear top right.

The Pinterest button is part of the Button Bar which can be positioned using the buttonBar configuration option (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Button Bar' section). Possible values for this option can be found in the description of the option here. (The Button Bar cannot be positioned below the main image and the Pinterest button cannot be separated from the Button Bar.)

I'd also like to change the button itself to be a different one.

You can change the icons used in the gallery by following the Using Custom Icons instructions in the Theming support section.

Re: Sharing - changing location of image and which is use

Thank you for your help. I've gone through to replace the Pinterest button with another svg button that is red with a white and red P. When I follow the instructions for creating custom icons, I was able to replace the default Pinterest icon but it strips out all the color out of the icon. Do all the icons have to be black and white?

Re: Sharing - changing location of image and which is use

The color of the Button Bar icons can be set via the buttonBarBackColor, buttonBarIconColor and buttonBarIconHoverColor configuration options (descriptions of which can be found in the Color Options section of the Config Options page.