Topic: gallery link to different page

I have set the images in a Juicebox gallery ( to link to a different page ( when clicked on. However, for some reason I just cannot get it to work. I did replace the "juicebox.xml" in the presets folder with one specific for this action because this gallery is different than the rest on the site.  However, still no go! Can you please let me know what to look for or what may be causing this not to work? Thank you!

Re: gallery link to different page

Make sure your 'juicebox.xml' presets file sets imageClickMode="OPEN_URL" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Main Image' section) so that the linkURLs are opened when the user clicks on the main images. Otherwise, the linkURLs will be opened only when the user clicks on the Open Image button in the Button Bar (which your gallery has disabled).

Re: gallery link to different page

Awesome- works as needed- thanks!

Re: gallery link to different page

Quick follow-up question-

The url link (over the large image) now works perfectly, but it always wants to open to a new window. I have tried _blank, _parent, _self  and _top for the link target in JuiceboxBuilder Pro, but with the same results. How can I force it to open the link in the existing window?   

Is there a way to keep the Title that appears at the lower portion of the picture visible even when the cursor moves away from the large image and thumbnails?

Re: gallery link to different page

How can I force it to open the link in the existing window?

Image-specific settings (such as linkTarget) are not stored in preset XML files and it is currently not possible to set the linkTarget entries within the Showkase interface. (This functionality will be introduced in the next version of Showkase although I do not know when it will be released.)
Currently, the linkTarget entries in your gallery's XML file are empty so Juicebox-Pro uses the default value of '_blank'.
You could open the gallery's XML file ('') in a plain text editor and change all the linkTarget="" entries to linkTarget="_self".

Is there a way to keep the Title that appears at the lower portion of the picture visible even when the cursor moves away from the large image and thumbnails?

Currently, your caption is positioned on the image overlay (captionPosition="OVERLAY_IMAGE").
You can have the image overlay displayed at all times by setting showImageOverlay="ALWAYS" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Main Image' section).
Otherwise, you could reposition the caption to somewhere other than the overlay, e.g. captionPosition="BELOW_IMAGE" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Caption' section).

Re: gallery link to different page

How can I force it to open the link in the existing window?

Image-specific settings (such as linkTarget) are not stored in preset XML files and it is currently not possible to set the linkTarget entries within the Showkase interface. (This functionality will be introduced in the next version of Showkase although I do not know when it will be released.)

With the most recent version of Showkase, can you please tell me how to have a link automatically open a URL link within the same window without manually coding it? Thanks!

Re: gallery link to different page

Create a Juicebox Gallery page, upload your images on the 'Upload' tab, then go to the 'Images' tab and deselect the checkboxes in the '_blank' column. This will change the linkTarget from the default value of '_blank' to '_self' and the links will be opened in the same (rather than a new) browser window.
This functionality was introduced in Showkase v1.1.0. For a list of changes, please see the Version History.

Re: gallery link to different page

Tried it and it works great- thanks for the quick response!