Topic: Juicebox WP plug-in

I have no problems using Juicebox Desktop or manually inserting galleries.

However, I cannot seem to grasp how to use the WP-plugin. Getting the short code in the posting is no problem, but properly adding the media screws me up.

Can anyone direct me to a movie clip where the WP plug-in is used to insert a gallery.

Thank you in advance.

Re: Juicebox WP plug-in

There is no movie clip but instructions can be found here. (Scroll down to the 'Adding Images From WordPress Media Library' section.)

Essentially, all images attached to the post containing the gallery will be displayed in the gallery.

  • Create or edit the post containing the gallery

  • Click the 'Add Media' button

  • Go to the 'Insert Media' section (which should be displayed by default)

  • Drag and drop your images into the media window

  • Wait until your images have finished uploading

  • Close the media window (do not click the 'Insert into post' button)

  • Publish or update your post