Topic: Disappearing code etc
I use BlueGriffon to write my pages. I now have a small gallery on every page of the site, with a main one on . I have a couple of minor issues:
I have just introduced a CSS menu on all the pages, but when I flip from "source" to "WISIWIG" the code <div id="juicebox-container"></div> disappears. I have a manual work-around by writing that just before saving, but wondered if this was something you had seen before.
The main gallery on the pictures.html page does not show properly on first load - it is ok on refresh. This is the same in chrome as well as IE; any ideas on a solution?
The small galleries on pictures.html and guestbook.html do not show - simply a white field in the table. I've checked the code, which appears to be the same as all the other pages.
Thank you for your help - it is very useful for a novice like me