Topic: thumb dots disappearing

I am creating a gallery with a black background, so I set Lite->BackgroundColor to black in juicebox builder. I also want to use thumb dots. When I change the background color to black, you can't see the un-selected dots because they are also black. Is there a way to change the color of the non-selected dots?


Re: thumb dots disappearing

Unselected thumbnail dots take on the Nav Button Back Color (in the JuiceboxBuilder-Pro 'Customize -> Color' section).

Re: thumb dots disappearing

I did as you suggest, which makes the thumb button visible. However, when I change that it seems to disregard the settings for the Nav Button Icon and Nav Button Icon Hover values (currently #fff). The dots now stay fixed at whatever i set Nav Button Back Color to. Is there a way to still have the Icon and Hover values take effect and change the Back Color value?


Re: thumb dots disappearing

After setting the Nav Button Back Color, change the Nav Button Icon Color to something other than white and then change it back to white and it should work.
I will notify the developers of this oddity.