1 (edited by dlydiard 2013-05-08 21:27:45)

Topic: responsive images

is there a way to have jb load smaller image files based on platform or resolution. 

for example,

breakpoints : {

something along those lines, where the appropriate image would be loaded based on screen width.

Re: responsive images

We currently don't support multiple sizes of images, but may add it in a future version.

Re: responsive images

Juicebox does not support such functionality out-of-the-box but if you wanted to, you could created your own conditional statements (based on platform or resolution) within your gallery's JavaScript embedding code and then direct the gallery towards an appropriate XML file (listing the images you wish to display) using the configUrl configuration option.

Re: responsive images

i think this is a reasonable approach for now, thanks!

Steven wrote:

Juicebox does not support such functionality out-of-the-box but if you wanted to, you could created your own conditional statements (based on platform or resolution) within your gallery's JavaScript embedding code and then direct the gallery towards an appropriate XML file (listing the images you wish to display) using the configUrl configuration option.