Topic: VAlign

I usually have my main image VAlign on CENTER which places it nicely between the Gallery Title and thumbs set at the bottom.

But thought I would pull everything a little closer together so now have main image VAlign set to TOP.

This puts it directly under my Gallery Title and button bar and all still scales nicely.

However, I cannot get the thumbnails to move up  to sit under the main image directly, even if the thumbs VAlign is set to top.

Should this work?

Thank you,


Re: VAlign

When laying out a gallery, Juicebox essentially reserves enough space for the thumbnails and then allocates the remainder for the main images.
If your thumbnails are positioned below the main images, then the height of thumbnail area will be only what is required and setting thumbsVAlign="TOP" will make little or no difference. (It will be much more noticeable when positioning the thumbnails LEFT or RIGHT.)

Perhaps your main images are not large enough to fill the image area.
Try either increasing the resolution of the main images in your gallery, setting imageScaleMode="FILL" or reducing the height of your gallery.

Re: VAlign

Thank you, imageScaleMode="SCALE" looks perfect.