1 (edited by moiremusic 2013-04-16 15:40:43)

Topic: Juicebox WP constraining view on iOS devices

Finally nailed down that Juicebox WP is doing weird things to my Wordpress page on iDevices. On iPhone, it is disabling the ability to zoom in or out of the page, and only shows a small portion of the screen at one time. For comparison, here is the main page of the site: www.uncommonassembly.com, and here is what I see on iPhone.

I can disable the Juicebox plugin and get zooming back immediately. It also constrains the view on iPad, but to an acceptable (though still undesirable) level.

Any ideas on how to get around this? Thanks!

Re: Juicebox WP constraining view on iOS devices

This bug was fixed in the latest version of WP-Juicebox (v1.2.0.1) which can be downloaded from this web page. Please upgrade your WP-Juicebox plugin to solve the problem.

Re: Juicebox WP constraining view on iOS devices

Thanks, Steven. Is there a way to upgrade that doesn't set the gallery formatting to default? Simply overwriting my wp-juicebox folder does fix the zoom problem (hurray!), but resets the formatting to the default settings.

Re: Juicebox WP constraining view on iOS devices

You can upload everything in the 'wp-juicebox' folder except the 'default.xml' file (so that your existing 'default.xml' file on your web server will not be overwritten). Just unzip the 'wp-juicebox.zip' file and delete the 'default.xml' file before uploading to your web server.
Once the next version of WP-Juicebox is released, the default settings will no longer be stored in the 'plugins' folder and will, therefore, not be overwritten when updating the plugin in future.

5 (edited by moiremusic 2013-04-19 22:26:11)

Re: Juicebox WP constraining view on iOS devices

Hm. Still getting default formatting, even though I have changed the formatting in the Pro section of each gallery. The Juicebox logo is showing up at the bottom. Is it possible that the upgrade somehow took away my "Pro"options?

Re: Juicebox WP constraining view on iOS devices

Bah. Finally sunk in what had happened. I overwrote the jbcore folder, forgetting that it was needed to keep the Pro options. I replaced it with the Pro version and everything is back.

Re: Juicebox WP constraining view on iOS devices

I'm glad you've been able to solve your problem.
Thank you for posting back to let me know.