I was about to purchase JuiceBox Pro and the only thing keeping me from purchasing and using the software is when it generates thumbnails of photos in portrait format of people, it chops off their heads and faces resulting in awkward looking thumbnails.
This is a major issue when posting galleries containing photos of people. When we post images online, about half of them are shot in portrait (vertical) format and most of those photos are photos of people. We just can't use an image display solution that chops off people's heads, faces, and upper body when posting thumbnails of image galleries. It is a shame though because otherwise the software is well-built and perfect for our needs.
Facebook, for example, has software that "zooms" in on people's faces when creating thumbnails and this would be the ideal solution. I realize this is more complex and i understand if you can't implement that level of sophistication just yet.
At the least can you please offer functionality where for certain images you can specify what part of the image the thumbnail image should cover? Maybe there can be an overlay on the preview screen of all the images where you can designate an "area of interest" in a photo and the thumbnail will be centered on that area?
I bet many of your other customers also would appreciate this functionality -- especially when posting photos of people. As it is, all your thumbnails created of people in vertical format photos are zoomed in on their stomach and hip area resulting in awful looking thumbnails.
I'd really need some control over where the thumbnail image zooms in on to purchase this product and hope this feature is offered soon so I can purchase and use your great product!