Topic: Creating galleries from iOS Device?

Hey everybody,

i am looking for a very smart and easy to use online image gallery. My main problem is that i put all my photos from my camera to my ipad.  From there i will upload and store them on my NAS.

For some reasons i need to upload some images in a gallery to the web - and thats a problem! I am looking for an iOS App that uploads images to a juicebox gallery...

Is there a way to do that without a desktop app?

Thanks for your replies, best regards

Re: Creating galleries from iOS Device?

You could perhaps first set up a Juicebox gallery (on your computer) using a Flickr account as the source of images.
You could then upload your images from your iOS device to your Flickr account and they would then appear in the Juicebox gallery without any modification to the gallery itself.

3 (edited by mymazl 2013-03-27 07:06:51)

Re: Creating galleries from iOS Device?

Hey Steven,

thank you for your reply.

I know this option, but I have a huge virtual server with enough space to store my pictures. The other argument is that i do not trust services like flickr (and others) because of privacy terms. If I could manage and store my data on my own server, it would be in my responsibility.


Re: Creating galleries from iOS Device?

There is no App (or any other method) that will allow you to create and upload a Juicebox gallery from a mobile device.
As an alternative to my Flickr suggestion, you could first set up a Juicebox gallery (on your computer) using a PHP file to read the contents of a directory and to display the images contained with that directory in your Juicebox gallery.
Please see this forum post for an example of such a PHP file.
You could then upload your images to the specified directory on your own web server using an FTP App.

Re: Creating galleries from iOS Device?

Thank you, but I have found another solution which works for me.

First I convert my images with the "Reduce"-App. After that I upload all pictures with "PhotoSync" to my FTP server. So I have for each album an own subfolder. Finally I import such an album with Nextgen-Gallery in Wordpress and include this nextgen gallery to a post or page with juicebox.

Works great!