Topic: Flickr and image order


I'm using JuiceboxLite and Flickr. Gallery is working fine on a webpage, but image order is incorrect.
I've read FAQ How do I change the order of images in a Flickr Photo Set?, but it seems to me that JuiceBox Builder reads pictures from my photoset in completely weird order, not concerned with Flickr settings.
It is not alphabetical, not date taken and not date posted dependant.

Here for example is snapshot from JuiceBox Builder with part of image order it reads: … hotostream

and this is a photoset in Flickr: … 902391699/

Link to my gallery:

Re: Flickr and image order

Juicebox-Lite supports only the flickrUserName and flickrTags configuration options.
In order to use the flickrSetId configuration option (which would return images in a Flickr Set in the order in which you have them in Flickr), you would need to upgrade to Juicebox-Pro.