1 (edited by colin 2013-02-26 10:04:38)

Topic: Resizing border on main image

Hello Support,

My purchase ID

Transaction ID: 43U98120B1307654C

I have installed Juicebox Pro and have created a single page with a gallery.
The gallery appears correctly positioned as intended in IE9 and on my mobile phone but drops the gallery down but not below the div it is next to on the page.

The link to my testing server is

http://office.enticewebdesign.com.au/fa … index.html

The code for the gallery is inside a div called "content_right" which is to the right of another div called "content_left" both div's are inside a "content" div to ensure a seamless coloured surround for both divs.

I am missing something in the juicebox code to make the main image (no thumbs) appear parallel (in the content_right div ) with the top alignment of the content_left div.

I hope this makes sense, thank you in advance for your help.

Re: Resizing border on main image

The top of the gallery is in line with the top of your left content. However, in a browser window with a large height, the main image is vertically centered within the gallery (with space above and below the main image).
Rather than have your gallery's height expressed as 100%, try setting it to an absolute pixel value, no larger than you need to accommodate your images.

Re: Resizing border on main image

Hello Steven,
Thank you, that did the trick.
