Topic: A question about upload photos


Sorry about my a question , i know it's axiomatic, but i read the FِِAQ and  I don't understand.

If I created my gallery by 'JuiceboxBuilder' and uploaded gallery files from my PC to my website, and I want add some new photos, Can i have to do that  without rebuild gallery by  'JuiceboxBuilder' on my PC?


Re: A question about upload photos

If you want to add images to an existing gallery without using JuiceboxBuilder, there are several ways that this could be achieved:
(1) Upload new images to your gallery's 'images' and 'thumbs' folders and create new <image> entries for these images in your gallery's 'config.xml' file.
(2) Use a Flickr gallery (by using the Juicebox-Lite Flickr configuration options) and all you would need to do to add new images to your gallery is upload them to your Flickr account.
(3) Rather than use a static XML file to list images in your gallery, use a PHP file such as documented in this forum post which would display all images in a designated directory on your web server. All you would need to do to add new images to your gallery is upload them to this directory.