Topic: Emulate SimpleViewer?
I used SimpleViewer for several years (and currently still do while I look for something to replace it), and like others before me, have been forced to look for an alternative because of Apple's pooh-poohing of Flash. I've been messing with Juicebox, but I'm kind of frustrated with it, because I'd really just like to have a gallery that looks like the ones on my site, like this for example:
Mainly, I'd like to be able to make my own thumbnails, and have a larger fullview image than what I've been able to get Juicebox to produce, as well as the complete horizontal layout, as opposed to the fullview above the thumbnails, and I'm not sure what to do.
Also, testing Juicebox in WordPress hasn't really given great results (mostly because of the issues above), so I guess I need to know if there's some sort of optimal WordPress layout to use Juicebox with in order to do something like what I had in Simpleviewer?
Any help would be appreciated. I've been using the free Simpleviewer so long, I probably ought to get Juicebox pro, but I'd rather know it's going to be able to do what I need it to do before I commit.