Topic: Few questions please...

Hi There,

Few questions please:

1) How do you add photos/captions to a converted gallery from NGG ?

2) Currently the image title + caption is both showing on the WP-Juicebox gallery; how do I just show the caption?

3) How would I move the thumbnails from the bottom section to say the left or right, or even top?

Thank you so much> i have juicebox pro and can use both the WP or desktop versions.

Best regards. Look forward to the reply to this amazing system.

Re: Few questions please...

1) How do you add photos/captions to a converted gallery from NGG ?

A NextGEN-sourced WP-Juicebox gallery is not 'converted'. Juicebox creates the gallery live from the NextGEN data at the time the gallery is displayed. Therefore, just add images and/or captions to the NextGEN gallery that WP-Juicebox uses and the changes will be reflected in the Juicebox gallery the next time the gallery is displayed.

2) Currently the image title + caption is both showing on the WP-Juicebox gallery; how do I just show the caption?

Either clear the 'Alt & Title Text' fields in your NextGEN gallery or modify WP-Juicebox as follows.
(1) Open the 'wp-juicebox/config.php' file in a plain text editor.
(2) Change line 101 from:

$title_text = $new_dom_doc->createCDATASection($attachment->alttext);

... to:

$title_text = $new_dom_doc->createCDATASection('');

(3) Save the change and re-upload the file to its original location on your web server.
Please note that the line number refers to WP-Juicebox v1.2.0.

3) How would I move the thumbnails from the bottom section to say the left or right, or even top?

(1) Upgrade WP-Juicebox from Juicebox-Lite (which it comes bundled with) to Juicebox-Pro by following the instructions here.
(2) Use the thumbsPosition configuration option in the 'Pro Options' text area of your gallery's settings window, e.g.


A description of the thumbsPosition configuration option can be found in the Thumbnail Options section of the Config Options page.

Re: Few questions please...

How would I move the thumbnails from the bottom section to say the left or right, or even top?
(1) Upgrade WP-Juicebox from Juicebox-Lite (which it comes bundled with) to Juicebox-Pro by following the instructions here.
(2) Use the thumbsPosition configuration option in the 'Pro Options' text area of your gallery's settings window, e.g.


A description of the thumbsPosition configuration option can be found in the Thumbnail Options section of the Config Options page.

Hi Steven,

Awesome; thank you so much for the reply. I am working through them... For #3 however, when I change the Thumbnail option to exactly as you show "thumbsPosition="left"

The thumbnails do not go left.. instead they go 1/2 through the Juicebox screen, and I cannot even see the larger image. Very strange.. Any thoughts?

I will keep trying, of course unless "left" or "LEFT" makes any difference.


Re: Few questions please...

The thumbnails do not go left.. instead they go 1/2 through the Juicebox screen, and I cannot even see the larger image. Very strange.. Any thoughts?

When using thumbsPosition="LEFT", you may need to change the default values of maxThumbColumns and maxThumbRows (which are '10' and '1' respectively, suitable for the default value of thumbsPosition which is 'BOTTOM').
Try setting:


I will keep trying, of course unless "left" or "LEFT" makes any difference.

Configuration option values are case-insensitive so it does not matter whether you use 'left' or 'LEFT'.

Re: Few questions please...

The latest version of WP-Juicebox (v1.5.1.2) now includes interface options to easily display or hide image titles and captions.

Just select (or deselect) the "Display Image Titles" and "Display Image Captions" checkboxes in the gallery settings window to display (or hide) the image titles and captions. (These new checkboxes are selected by default.)

WP-Juicebox can be downloaded from its own support page here.