Topic: Compatibility with WordPress 3.5


I like this product and I intend to to buy it but now I have a problem.

I am trying to add galleries in WordPress and I have followed the instructions here (  but unfortunately I could not get it to work properly.

Galleries in WordPress 3.5 are different compared to previous versions.

Does Juicebox compatible with WP 3.5?

Is there a short video to explain the process of adding a WordPress Juicebox gallery?


Re: Compatibility with WordPress 3.5

WP-Juicebox is compatible with WordPress 3.5.
The 'Add Media' module has changed in WordPress 3.5 but the process for adding Media Library images to a WP-Juicebox gallery is essentially the same as before.
Click the 'Add Media' button, drag and drop your images into the 'Insert Media' window and, once they have finished uploading, just close the 'Insert Media' window (do not click the 'Insert into post' button). This will attach the images to the post and they will be displayed in the gallery.

Re: Compatibility with WordPress 3.5


I thought I should create gallery when uploading media files.


Re: Compatibility with WordPress 3.5

How do you insert media that is already in your Media Library, using the new media dialog in Wordpress 3.5?

Re: Compatibility with WordPress 3.5

Just go to your Media Library and attach the images to the post which contains the gallery.
(You may need to clear your browser's cache before reloading the gallery.)
Please note that WordPress allows you to attach each image in the Media Library to only one post so if the images you wish to add to your gallery are already attached to other posts, then you will need to re-upload them.

Re: Compatibility with WordPress 3.5

Hi, thanks - I've tried all of that, but if I don't 'Insert into page' then there are no photos in the gallery, and if I do insert into page, then the gallery is empty and all the images are just inserted into the page one after another. Any ideas? Thanks.

Re: Compatibility with WordPress 3.5

Never mind - easier just to remove them and add again specifically for the gallery. Thanks.

Re: Compatibility with WordPress 3.5

but if I don't 'Insert into page' then there are no photos in the gallery

If you do not click 'Insert into page', the images are still attached to the page (and can be viewed in the 'Add Media' window by selecting 'Uploaded to this post' from the drop-down menu) and will be displayed in the gallery.

and if I do insert into page, then the gallery is empty and all the images are just inserted into the page one after another.

If you do click 'Insert into page', then the images should be displayed in the gallery and also displayed individually by WordPress.
If you have an empty gallery with images attached to the post, please post the URL so that I can take a look and investigate further. Thank you.