Topic: Order of images


Is there a way to affect the order of the images in my juicebox lite gallery? They are coming in through a Flickr set. It seems they are being ordered by the upload date. I would like for them to be ordered the same as the order in the set. Any way to do this?


Re: Order of images

Please see this FAQ:
How do I change the order of images in a Flickr Photo Set?

Re: Order of images

I saw that FAQ. However, they are appearing in my Juicebox gallery in a different order than they appear in my Flickr set...any idea why that would be?


Re: Order of images

For example, here is a Juicebox gallery:

Here is the Flickr set that gallery is using: … 213754788/

As you can see, the black and white photos are first in the set, but not in the JB gallery.

Any ideas?


Re: Order of images <- no gallery on that page.

Re: Order of images

Sorry been working on this site as we speak... Here is my gallery:

As you can see the black and white images are scattered throughout, while they all come first in the Flickr set.


Re: Order of images

You are not using 'flickrSetId' to load your images, you are using 'flickrUserName' and 'flickrTag'. In this case, check this FAQ: How do I change the order of images from Flickr? Or upgrade to Juicebox-Pro and use flickrSetId.

Re: Order of images there a way to use flickrSetId with Juicebox lite?

Re: Order of images

No. flickrSetId is available only in Juicebox-Pro. The 'Flickr Pro Options' can be found here.
Configuration options available to Juicebox-Lite can be found here.