1 (edited by burakoz 2012-12-06 22:15:39)

Topic: Localization

I have to use this script in Turkish, but it seems that users cannot modify the language. I didn't know that, and this purchase would be useless for me if I can not use it in my own language.

Is there any chances of having a modified and still obfuscated javascript file according to my needs? I only need mobile caption's image counter, expand gallery and show thumbnail buttons' titles.

I know that this won't be a big time consumer for you and I hope to get a positive answer. In order to be fast, I'm adding Turkish means of the word groups I need.

# Image: "# Resim"
## Images: "## Resim"
Expand Gallery: "Tam Ekran"
Close Gallery: "Kapat"
Show Thumbnails: "Küçük Resimleri Göster"
Hide Thumbnails: "Küçük Resimleri Gizle"

Thanks in advance

Re: Localization

The ability for a user to enter custom text for the user interface tool tips (similar to the SimpleViewer languageList configuration option) is on the roadmap and will hopefully be introduced in a future version of Juicebox-Pro. However, I do not know when this may be.
Unfortunately, in the meantime, we are unable to provide customized versions of the 'juicebox.js' JavaScript file.

Re: Localization

I gave up on localization now, but now i'm trying to lower all the elements' z-index on my webpage, instead of increasing the one juicebox's fullscreen element has. Thank you, you are making life harder.