1 (edited by Lucyloo1 2012-11-29 09:02:34)

Topic: Juicebox for Wordpress does not work - icon error message

I have just bought juicebox pro which I want to use on my wordpress website.

I have installed the juicebox wp plugin sucessfully and have replaced the 'jbcore' folder in the WordPress plugin folder with the one from the Juicebox-Pro download.

However, when I click the juicebox icon to insert a gallery I get the following error message:

XML Parsing Error: no element found
Location: http://www.saffronsacks.com/wp-content/ … onfig.php?
Line Number 1, Column 1:

Any ideas what may be causing the problem?


Re: Juicebox for Wordpress does not work - icon error message

If you are using the BulletProof Security plugin, you will need to add a bypass rule to your root .htaccess file to allow WP-SimpleViewer to function correctly.
Add the following code to your root .htaccess file:

# Juicebox skip/bypass rule
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/wp-content/plugins/wp-juicebox/ [NC]
RewriteRule . - [S=13]

If you are not using the BulletProof Security plugin, then try deactivating all your installed plugins other than WP-Juicebox and re-activate them one by one (checking your WP-Juicebox functionality after each one) to see if you can find a conflict.

3 (edited by Lucyloo1 2012-12-05 11:33:25)

Re: Juicebox for Wordpress does not work - icon error message

Thanks - deactivated plugins and found the culprit. Working fine now.

Re: Juicebox for Wordpress does not work - icon error message

If you found a plugin which conflicts with WP-Juicebox, please let me know what the plugin is so that I can investigate further and fix the problem for the next version of WP-Juicebox.
If the problem was the BulletProof Security plugin or a similar plugin, it may just need to be configured correctly to work with WP-Juicebox.