Topic: Thumbs doesn't fill vertically

The thumbs doesn't use the right area to 100%. In my example three rows should have room without problem, but it only use two rows.

Re: Thumbs doesn't fill vertically

JuiceboxBuilder-Pro reserves space for elements such as the thumbnail navigation arrows and uses the maxThumbRows configuration option as a maximum value (the actual number of thumbnail rows displayed may be less that this value depending on the height of the user's browser window). In a browser window of limited height, there may be enough room to display only one row of thumbnails.
Try viewing your gallery in a browser (rather than just in the live preview window of JuiceboxBuilder-Pro) and maximize the window by pressing F11. This will allow the maximum height possible for the browser window on your monitor and you may then see three rows of thumbnails.

Re: Thumbs doesn't fill vertically

Yes, you are right, it seems to be the navigation arrows that taking all this space. When placing the navigation arrows "center" instead of "bottom", instead there is a lot of space between main-picture and thumbs. Is there anyway I can remove the navigation arrows? I can't find them in CSS.

Re: Thumbs doesn't fill vertically

You could hide the thumbnail navigation buttons by adding the following to your gallery's 'jbcore/classic/theme.css' file:

.jbn-nav-button { display: none !important; }

However, this would not help as the logic behind the gallery's layout is contained within the 'juicebox.js' JavaScript file which is obfuscated and cannot be modified. Juicebox would still reserve space for the thumbnail navigation buttons depending on the value of the thumbNavPosition configuration option, regardless of whether or not you hide the buttons using CSS.
Also, if the user has a small browser window (in which Juicebox would display fewer thumbnails), then there would be no way to jump between thumbnail pages.