Topic: xml error flickr embed code

I've searched and searched - sorry. I just started with this today. I set up juicebox to use a set in my flickr account. i grabbed the embed code and for the last few hours have been monkeying with it to see if i can stop getting this error: Juicebox Error: Config XML file not found. I'm at a loss - I can't see anywhere in the help section that says I can't embed a flickr album... but I'm suspecting this is the case. Here's the script I'm using right now that's getting the error:

                <script src=""></script>
  new juicebox({
      containerId : 'juicebox-container',
      galleryWidth: "600 px",
galleryHeight: "400 px",
baseUrl : '',
                <div id="juicebox-container"></div>
                <!--END JUICEBOX EMBED-->

Re: xml error flickr embed code

Your gallery's 'config.xml' file is in the correct location on your web server.
However, your flickrUserId looks to be incorrect. You currently have it set to '' but it should look something like '48508968@N00'. You can find your Flickr Id using this web page.
For a full list of 'Flickr Pro Options', please see here.

Also, when using a flickrSetId (as you are), there is no need to use a flickrUserName or flickrUserId so you can just remove the flickrUserId from your gallery's XML file and your gallery should be displayed as expected.

Re: xml error flickr embed code

Thanks, but I'm not clear on what exactly I'm supposed to do. I just removed the flickr ID and uname. Then I "saved"... and I still get the error. No change. Please advise.

Re: xml error flickr embed code

Wait. No. I think I was just being impatient. It showed the error in Contribute, but when I published, it showed up.

Thanks for your help.

Re: xml error flickr embed code

But I do have another question. There are 129 photos in that set, but only 50 are showing up. Is that the default - that's the number that was in the Flickr image count field. I changed it to 129  just now hoping it would update but it hasn't.

Re: xml error flickr embed code

The default value for the flickrImageCount configuration option is 50 and can be increased to 500. (The 500 limit is imposed by Flickr rather than Juicebox-Pro.)
If you still see only 50 images after increasing the value, try clearing your browser's cache before reloading the gallery.

Re: xml error flickr embed code

I cleared my cache and it's still stopping at 50. I set it for 129 - the number of images in the set

Re: xml error flickr embed code

I set it for 129 - the number of images in the set

The gallery from your first post does not use the flickrImageCount configuration option in its 'config.xml' file ( so the default value of 50 will be used.
If you are referring to a different gallery, please post its URL so that I can take a look and help further.

Re: xml error flickr embed code

alright we're all set with the correct number of photos...
NEW ISSUE:  now the gallery will not load in Firefox (which i've been using this whole time)... it says the config xml file can't be found... lmao.
it's loading fine in Safari.
i really need it to work in all platforms.

this may be too complicated an app for what I need. i have at least 20 more sets I want to put up on our site, but not if it's this tweaky.

please advise.

Re: xml error flickr embed code

This FAQ deals with the 'Config XML file not found' message': When I view my gallery I see the message 'Config XML file not found'. How do I fix this?

However, your gallery works fine in Firefox v16.0.2 on my computer.
In fact, I have been using Firefox to test your gallery before I post each reply and have never seen the 'Config XML file not found' message in your gallery.
Try clearing your browser's cache before reloading the gallery.

The only other reason that the 'Config XML file not found' message might be displayed is if there is a problem with your internet connection or the web server where the gallery is hosted and your browser cannot fetch the 'config.xml' file from the web server within a certain time limit (approximately 10 seconds).