... i arrive on a crop full screen of my first image with not text...
What you are describing is the Splash Page.
The Splash Page is an image placeholder for the gallery which, when clicked, will expand the gallery to fill the browser viewport (to give the gallery as much room as possible).
By default, the Splash Page will be displayed on mobile devices when a gallery is embedded in a web page alongside other content (where the gallery might be too small to use).
Check out the Gallery Tour where there is a short section about the Splash Page.
Please check out the Splash Page configuration options here.
By default, Juicebox uses the first image in the gallery as the Splash Page image. You can change this if you like via the splashImageUrl option (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Splash Page' section).
You could also choose to not use the Splash Page at all by setting showSplashPage="NEVER".
Whether you use the Splash Page or not, on a mobile device, the gallery will be displayed in Small Screen Mode (check out the Gallery Tour link above for details) where thumbnails and main images are displayed on separate pages (to give the main images more room).
If you'd rather have the gallery displayed in Large Screen Mode (where thumbnails are displayed alongside the main images) on all devices and in all browsers, then you can set screenMode="LARGE" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> General' section).
... the description texte is very low on the screen and cut. Normally it should be on the bottom of the picture.
Your gallery currently sets maxCaptionHeight="70".
Try increasing the maxCaptionHeight (at least to the default value of 120) to give your captions more room. You'll find maxCaptionHeight in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Caption' section.
Also, your gallery's first caption is:
<caption><![CDATA[</font><font color="#CCCCCC">Projet: Pecquencourt - Production: <font color="#0066FF"><a href="https://mw-architecture.fr/">MW Architecture </a><font color="#CCCCCC"> - Date: Novembre 2022 </font><br><font color="#0066FF"><a href="http://www.vincefx.com">www.vincefx.com </a><font color="#CCCCCC"> vincefx@free.fr tel:]]></caption>
For a valid HTML 5 page, I'd recommend changing <font> tags for equivalent <style> tags as noted here (a little bit of work would be required but the resulting code would be HTML 5 compliant). Also, there's no need to start the caption with a closing </font> tag and you're missing a few </font> tags throughout your caption text.
Your gallery's embedding page actually has two galleries embedded into it (two lots of embedding code with with same 'juicebox-container' id).
I expect that you're just trying to embed one gallery so you should be able to remove one set of embedding code.
If you are trying to embed multiple galleries into a single web page, then you only need to load the 'juicebox.js' JavaScript file once per page (not once per gallery) and each gallery should be loaded into a <div> with a unique id.
I hope my notes above point you in the right direction.