Topic: Unique URLs to specific images in gallery

How do I get a page to open at a specified image in a gallery using a unique url?



Re: Unique URLs to specific images in gallery

Set enableDirectLinks="TRUE" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> General' section) and each image will have its own unique URL (the gallery page URL with a # followed by the image index number).

For example, to go directly to the 7th image in our Juicebox-Pro Full Browser Demo, use this URL:

You'll notice that the # identifier changes in the browser's URL as you select different images within the gallery.

Re: Unique URLs to specific images in gallery

Thanks Steven - works well.

What do you do if you've got two galleries on the same page? Is there anyway to identify images from each gallery in a unique URL?


Re: Unique URLs to specific images in gallery

Unfortunately, enableDirectLinks does not support multiple galleries embedded on a single web page and there is no way to distinguish between galleries with regard to direct linking.

However, this sounds like a prime candidate for the Feature Requests thread.
Please post any ideas you have for future versions over there where they will be seen by the developers.
I do not know what suggestions will be implemented but this is certainly the best place for all ideas.
Thank you.