1 (edited by mremonen 2012-10-26 07:48:19)

Topic: WP: observations & thumbnail issue(?)

I just started using the Juicebox and these may be also "user errors", but bear with me...

Possible issues:

- the setting for "Thumbnails > Show in small screen mode" does not have any effect. On the other hand the "Show in large screen mode" affects both the small & large sceen modes. I'm assuming here that small mode refers to initial state and large refers to the mode when you press the four arrow square and have full-screen show

- if you press the "show thumbnails"-button (when you have configured the initial state to be "no show"), it shows the tb's ok in both modes bt the setting is copied from mode to mode. So it seems that there is only one setting for tb's or I'm not aware of what is large and what is small screen mode.

Other observations:
- if you have "out of site"-galleries in WP and you have the WP plugin installed, you need to have the jbcore folder only in the plugin directory (/wp-content/plugins/wp-juicebox/jbcore). I.e. even though you point the  "src=" to an address where there is no jbcore, it seems to default to plugin directory. You still need to set the baseURL to point to the gallery directory, though.

I found this out by accident when I still had the Lite jbcore in wp-juicebox and accidentally removed the gallery jbcore.

Also svmanager seems to honor this setting.

And one more question:
- what should I change to get the gallery to show a bit higher in the page I'm posting it to? It seems that the galleries built using the JuiceBox builder or using the WP plugin behave a bit differently regarding how they position themselves into the page. The examples can be seen here:
- gallery created byt JuiceBox builder: http://www.remonen.fi/WP/galleriat/kasvit/
- gallery created by WP-plugin: http://www.remonen.fi/WP/galleriat/elaimet/ (sorry, no images)

The latter gallery is a tiny bit (a line or two) higher than the other. I think that it is something which needs to be changed in the xml but I would like not to start experimenting with it...

Re: WP: observations & thumbnail issue(?)


First of all, please see this Juicebox support section on Screen Modes.
Setting showLargeThumbs="FALSE" will initially hide the thumbnails in Large Screen Mode.
If you wish to prevent the viewer of your gallery from ever being able to show the thumbnails, you should also set showThumbsButton="FALSE".
Setting showSmallThumbs="FALSE" will disable both the thumbnail page and the thumbnail button in Small Screen Mode.

Other observations:

All galleries created by WP-Juicebox share the same 'jbcore' folder.
This allows the user to upgrade all galleries in a single action, when a new version of Juicebox is released, by replacing the 'jbcore' folder in the 'wp-plugins/wp-juicebox/' folder.
When WP-Juicebox is enabled, the 'wp-plugins/wp-juicebox/jbcore/juicebox.js' file is automatically loaded on the page.
Therefore, if embedding galleries manually into WordPress (instead of using WP-Juicebox), then you should deactivate WP-Juicebox.

And one more question:

When embedding your gallery manually, your WordPress theme is inserting <p>, </p> and <br /> tags throughout your embedding code.
If you are not already doing so, try inserting your embedding code into your post with the method of entry set to 'HTML' rather than 'Visual'.

Re: WP: observations & thumbnail issue(?)

Thanks for clarifying the thumbnail-"issue". I somehow mixed the Screen Modes but now I choosed not to show the tb's in large screens.

About the jbcore: I disabled and uninstalled the wp-plugin and now this works as advertised (i.e. with out-of-site galleries). Thanks for the info again. BTW. is there any side effects using both the plugin and the manual method?

It also looks like that svmanager requires jbcore to be in the directory where the gallery resides. Or is there a means to have svmanager also to use single instance of jbcore?

For the gallery position I managed to improve it a bit by removing the comments around the embedded code but the gallery is still a line or two lower than e.g. plain text. I can live with it, though. I'm using the HTML-method, ofcourse.

Re: WP: observations & thumbnail issue(?)

BTW. is there any side effects using both the plugin and the manual method?

No. Just make sure that all galleries are of the same version. Otherwise, if multiple different 'juicebox.js' files are loaded on the same page, one will take precedence over the other(s) and you may experience unexpected results.
If the WP-Juicebox plugin is enabled, then the 'juicebox.js' file from within the plugin will already be loaded on the page and you will not need to include the call to 'juicebox.js' within your manually embedded Juicebox gallery.

It also looks like that svmanager requires jbcore to be in the directory where the gallery resides.

That is correct. svManager (unlike WP-SimpleViewer) creates an individual folder for each gallery and copies the master 'jbcore' folder into each gallery folder.

Or is there a means to have svmanager also to use single instance of jbcore?

This is not possible through any of svManager's preconfigured options. It would require modification of the svManager source files.

Re: WP: observations & thumbnail issue(?)

Ok, thanks for the fast reply again.

Would it be possible to use symbolic links to "fool" svmanager? My workflow is that I build & upload the gallery in Lightroom and then make the configuration in svmanager. This way I think I need the least steps for publishing and I still retain the collection in LR.

The problem would be of course that LR probably uploads the jbcore directory every time the gallery will be updated.

Re: WP: observations & thumbnail issue(?)

You could point each Juicebox gallery created by svManager towards the master 'jbcore' folder by editing the 'svmanager/plugins/juicebox/jbmaster/index.php' file in a plain text editor and changing line 27 from:

<script src="jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>

... to:

<script src="http://www.example.com/svmanager/plugins/juicebox/jbmaster/jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>

... changing 'www.example.com' in the example above to your own domain name.
The 'jbcore' folders in each gallery folder would then become redundant (though deleting them may have unwanted knock-on effects within the svManager admin area which expects the folders to be there).
Please note that the line number refers to svManager v1.8.3.

If creating your Juicebox galleries with Lightroom and importing them into svManager, you would need to manually alter the path to the 'juicebox.js' file (in each gallery's 'index.html' file) to point to the master 'jbcore' folder within your svManager installation. However, by doing so, you would be unable to view the gallery locally and it would function only when uploaded to your web server.

Re: WP: observations & thumbnail issue(?)

Thanks again Steven. I'll try those and tell you what happened.