Topic: Photo Import quality setting doesn't seem to do anything

Whether I choose a quality of 80 or 60, the final size of the image jpegs is identical. It is also identical to the size of the original file. There is no visible difference between any of these versions. Am I missing something?

Re: Photo Import quality setting doesn't seem to do anything

If the dimensions of your original images are within the maximum bounds specified by the 'Max Image Size' values, then Juicebox-Pro will not resize your images and will simply copy them to the output 'images' folder. The 'Quality' setting becomes a variable in a process which is bypassed (the resizing algorithm) and is, therefore, not used.
Check to see if this is perhaps the cause of the problem you are experiencing.

Re: Photo Import quality setting doesn't seem to do anything

Got it, thanks Steven. I'm actually glad it's implemented like this, but I didn't see it documented anywhere.