Topic: Sharing links

In the iPad, if you go to full screen, the URL changes to use full.html.  If a user decides they want to share the gallery and emails this link, users who open the URL from a desktop browser will get the message:

Juicebox Error: Config XML file not found.

How can we prevent this bad user experience?

Re: Sharing links

You should send users the link to the page into which the gallery is embedded.
It is not possible to link directly to an embedded gallery in expanded fullscreen mode.

Re: Sharing links


this is a known issue and will be fixed in the next version.

The reason for the current behavior is that iOS does not handle user-zooming via pinch in the expected way. This means that if a user does a zoom via pinch on the embedding page and then taps the 'expand gallery' button, the gallery will not be displayed with the correct layout. To avoid this issue, we decided to open expanded galleries in a new URL (on iOS).

There are a couple of disadvantages of this approach, so in the next version we are going to give the option to expand in the same page or in a new page. To allow expanding in the same page, user zooming must be disabled in the embedding page.

Re: Sharing links

Thanks Felix for the update.  Is there a timeline on this new version? It seems a lot of our feature requests are being bundled into it.

Re: Sharing links

There is no set time-frame for releases and no release date scheduled for the next version.
However, you can be notified of new releases by joining our mailing list and following us on Twitter (@juiceboxgallery).
Please scroll down to the bottom of our home page for details.