Topic: show photo location [SOLVED]
I am a happy user of JuiceBox Pro,
I have web address:,-122.478611
How can I click the photo and link to above web address? Thanks!
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Juicebox Support Forum → Juicebox-Pro Support → show photo location [SOLVED]
I am a happy user of JuiceBox Pro,
I have web address:,-122.478611
How can I click the photo and link to above web address? Thanks!
Set imageClickMode="OPEN_URL" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Main Image' section) and set a linkURL for your main image. In JuiceboxBuilder-Pro, just click the corresponding thumbnail on the 'Images' tab and you'll see the place to enter your LinK URL at the bottom of the window.
When imageClickMode="OPEN_URL", normally Juicebox-Pro will open the imageURL (the image itself) in a new tab but if the image has a linkURL assigned to it, then the linkURL will be opened instead.
If you manually edit your gallery's 'config.xml' file, then the <image> entry might look something like this:
<image imageURL="images/image_0001.jpg"
<title><![CDATA[Image title text goes here.]]></title>
<caption><![CDATA[Image title text goes here.]]></caption>
Otherwise, you can add a link to an image title or caption using HTML formatting (or more specifically an HTML <a> tag) as noted in this FAQ:
How do I add HTML formatting to image captions and titles? -
You could enter HTML such as the following into JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's interface:
<a href=",-122.478611">Click here to view in Google Maps.</a>
If you manually edit your gallery's 'config.xml' file, then you'll need to wrap the HTML inside <![CDATA[ ... ]]> tags and the <title> (or <caption>) entry might look something like this:
<title><![CDATA[<a href=",-122.478611">Click here to view in Google Maps.</a>]]></title>
I hope this helps.
Thanks Steven, this is exactly what I want to integrate GPS location into my photo gallery. It works perfectly:)
That's great! Thank you for letting me know.
Juicebox Support Forum → Juicebox-Pro Support → show photo location [SOLVED]
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