Topic: Gallery working in all browsers except chrome

So I love the little Juicebox and it was going good til...
I tried opening the page in Chrome.

I am running this on wordpress - I tried the plugin, but it seem to have that conflict I read about with Contact Form.
So I used the app, and set paths to my folders.

Firefox is fine, IE fine as well - Chrome shows the button for Juicebox and a space above but won't show the gallery.

I can't post a link - well I can but lets try this first.

Here is the code I have in my post

<script src=""></script>
new juicebox({
containerId : "juicebox-container",
galleryWidth: "760px",
galleryHeight: "640px",
configUrl: ' … config.xml',
backgroundColor: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"
<div id="juicebox-container"></div>

any ideas what I am doing wrong.

If you can't tell from just this, let me know and I will make the post visible so it can be seen.


Re: Gallery working in all browsers except chrome

I tried the plugin, but it seem to have that conflict I read about with Contact Form.

There should be no conflict between the current versions of Contact Form 7 (v3.2.1) and WP-Juicebox (v1.1.1).

If you can't tell from just this, let me know and I will make the post visible so it can be seen.

It would certainly help to see the web page into which the gallery is being embedded. Please post the URL so that I can take a look.

In the meantime, the following suggestions may help.
If you have not modified or moved the 'theme.css' file, then there is no need to include the themeUrl in the embedding code.
Also, if your gallery's XML file is named 'config.xml' and is located directly inside your gallery folder, then there is no need to include the configUrl in the embedding code (just leave the baseUrl entry).

For the record, the gallery itself (located at … index.html) displays fine in Chrome 21 on my PC.

3 (edited by mizcozma 2012-09-10 10:55:53)

Re: Gallery working in all browsers except chrome

Hi and thanks for your quick reply.

The link you posted straight to the gallery gave me an idea that fixed this issue quickly.
I went with the iframe embed and bingo no problems!

One last thing and all is great...  How do I make the captions not hide. I would like the captions to show at all times. Any way to do this?

Thanks :)

Re: Gallery working in all browsers except chrome

How do I make the captions not hide. I would like the captions to show at all times. Any way to do this?

This is possible with Juicebox-Pro, but not with Juicebox-Lite, by setting certain Juicebox-Pro Caption Options.
If the captions are positioned on the overlay (as they are by default), then you can have the captions always be displayed by setting the showImageOverlay="ALWAYS".
Alternatively, you could set captionPosition="BELOW_IMAGE" or captionPosition="BOTTOM".