Topic: Time out of caption [SOLVED]

Don't if this can be changed.....I have captions that run "overly-Image" and I feel the time the caption is visible is rather short then it fades out until the mouse is moved over it. Is there a chance to change the time it should stay vsiible?

Re: Time out of caption [SOLVED]

Just increase the inactivityTimeout value from its default value of '4' (seconds) in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Main Image' section.

Alternatively, you can have the overlay never auto-hide by either setting inactivityTimeout to '0' or showImageOverlay (also in the 'Main Image' section) to 'ALWAYS'.

You could also display the Info Button on the gallery's Button Bar by setting showInfoButton to 'TRUE' (in the 'Button Bar' section) to allow visitors to your website to toggle the overlay on and off (by clicking the Info Button).

For reference, short descriptions of all configuration options can be found on the Config Options page.

Re: Time out of caption [SOLVED]

Thanks Steven. Found it.
I should read the config options more often.


Re: Time out of caption [SOLVED]

You're welcome!
I'm glad you've got it working. Thank you for letting me know.