Topic: Icons in button bar not visible

Hi all,

I am creating an embedded webpage with multiple galleries. All that works fine as along as I keep the following folder/file structure:

/project x/gallery/gallery1/config.xml
/project x/gallery/gallery2/config.xml
/project x/gallery/gallery3/config.xml
/project x/jbcore
/project x/index.html

Inside the index.html file I am linking the jbcore folder with scr="jbcore/juicebox.js"

As soon as I move the index.html file into the "gallery" folder (--> /project x/gallery/index.html) I am changing inside index.html the jbcore reference to scr="../jbcore/juicebox.js". Afterwards I do not see the icons correctly anymore inside the button bar (see attached picture).

Is there any other link I need to set? All pictures from the gallery are shown correctly?


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Re: Icons in button bar not visible

There should be no problem with the Button Bar icons as long as the 'jbcore' folder is intact and the 'juicebox.js' file is successfully loaded into the web page. The location of the files should not make a difference (as long as all the paths are correct).

There is clearly no problem with the Juicebox font files or server MIME types as the Button Bar icons displayed fine in your original configuration.

This leads me to think that the problem might be a caching issue (either browser or server side) as the problem seems to happen after you move a file and change a path.

I can't quite figure out exactly what's happening but try the following:

(1) After moving the file and changing the path, try completely clearing your browser's cache before reloading your web page to see if this helps. If browser caching is the cause of your problem, then it is very unlikely that visitors to your website will experience the problem as browsers tend to check for newer versions of files on each browser session.

(2) After moving the file and changing the path, try (temporarily) renaming your 'projext x' folder (this should not break the gallery as long as the path to the 'juicebox.js' file from within the 'index.html' page is relative) and then reload your web page. This will create a completely new unique path to your web page that neither your browser nor your server will have seen before so there should be no strange caching going on. If you find that server caching is the cause of your problem, then ask your web host if they could turn off server caching on your web hosting account.

I hope this helps and points you in the right direction.

If you continue to experience difficulties, please post the link to your web page so that I can see the problem for myself and hopefully help further.

Re: Icons in button bar not visible

Hello Steven,

I did what you recommended but without success. I have tried now a few other browsers rather than just Firefox and the only browser all this is working is Microsoft Edge. It looks like that Mozilla is blocking something, but I have no clue what is causing this.


Re: Icons in button bar not visible

It seems strange that it would work in some browsers but not others.
Do you have any browser extensions installed that might somehow be interfering with your web page?
If so, try temporarily disabling them to see if this helps.

Also, please post the URL to your gallery's web page so that I can take a look. (It's really hard to troubleshoot a problem without being able to see it for myself.)
I'll report what I see (to let you know if your gallery displays correctly for me in my own browsers) and investigate further.
Thank you.