Topic: Creating a new Full Screen Icon over image [SOLVED]

I'm looking to move the full-screen / enlarge icon from the icon bar, to a be absolutely positioned over the image that is displaying, like this:

I can create the image (after the gallery loads) and position it correctly no problem. However I cannot get any event-listeners to attach to it at all. Ideally, I'd like to attach a call to toggleExpand() on click.

Is there another alternative for achieving this or is there a reason I cannot attach events to items in the JuiceBox gallery. (I have managed to attach events to other icons (although these were in the icon bar)

Re: Creating a new Full Screen Icon over image [SOLVED]

I would expect it to be possible to attach a click handler to a custom icon overlaid on top of a gallery image (although I've not tried it myself).
The problem might be that there are transparent layers on top of the main image (the hit areas for navigation) which are invisibly obscuring your custom icon.
Try giving your custom icon a high z-index value (such as 9999) via CSS to ensure that it is stacked on top of all other gallery elements.
Hopefully this will work.

Re: Creating a new Full Screen Icon over image [SOLVED]

Hi Stephen,

I've tried exactly this and get no luck.

If I remove the jb-classify-layer (the divs you mention) then it will start listening to events. Is there something else I'm missing?

I'm also curious why the navigation arrows are able to have events on them also.

Re: Creating a new Full Screen Icon over image [SOLVED]

If I raise the z-index of each parent element of my icon, I can get the click to register. However, the navigation icons no longer work.

Re: Creating a new Full Screen Icon over image [SOLVED]

It sounds like your own custom elements may somehow be overlapping the navigation buttons (and that you might need to raise the z-index of the navigation buttons). However, one problem seems to be leading to another and things seem to be escalating quite quickly.

It might not be your ideal solution but it would be much easier to compromise and use the gallery's own Expand Button (on the Button Bar). You can have the Button Bar be positioned in the top-right of the main image (rather than the top-right of the gallery) by setting buttonBarPosition="OVERLAY_IMAGE" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Button Bar' section).

Rather than apply z-index values to many elements (both your own custom elements and gallery elements), you might like to try changing the value of imageClickMode ('Customize -> Main Image') from its default value of NAVIGATE (where clicking anywhere on the left or right side of a main image will navigate to the previous or next image respectively) to NONE (where clicking only on the navigation buttons will navigate through the images).
This might help.

If you like, please post back with the URL to your gallery so that I can take a look at the problem for myself and hopefully help further.

Re: Creating a new Full Screen Icon over image [SOLVED]

Hi Steven,

Thanks again for taking the time to look at this.

Putting the whole bar over the image isn't going to work for the client.

I'm working locally on virtual machine, so supplying a URL to a live site with functionality that doesn't work for the client is tricky.

I've put together a 3 minute video demonstrating the issue here: …

I don't think I'm doing anything unusual with my usage, and I'm only adding a single element to the Juicebox gallery, hopefully there is something simple I'm missing.

Re: Creating a new Full Screen Icon over image [SOLVED]

Thank you for providing the video.

Unfortunately, this is not something that Juicebox was designed to do (to allow custom functional icons to be positioned on top of the main image, relative to a corner) and it would appear to be very difficult to achieve.
As you have discovered, there seems to be some kind of stacking context preventing you from appending a custom icon to the .jb-dt-main-image class and then just assigning a high z-index value to it.

I've tried to achieve what you are looking to do myself but have not found a nice clean solution.
It looks like you would have to append the custom icon to a different container (one already stacked above the main image) but then you'd need to calculate the correct position for it (using the display dimensions of the current image) as it would no longer be relative to the main image and you would likely run into complications (i.e. the need to reposition the custom icon) if the main image changes its size (e.g. if the browser window is resized or the thumbnails are toggled on or off) which would require additional listeners (perhaps using jQuery's .resize() and the Juicebox-Pro API's onToggleThumbs()). (Your current scenario might already be affected by such resizing issues.)

I really cannot think of a quick and easy solution (although maybe my notes here will point you in the right direction).

Putting the whole bar over the image isn't going to work for the client.

Not even with auto-hide (setting showImageOverlay="AUTO" and an inactivityTimeout value)? It would certainly be an easier option.
Could you maybe position your custom icon somewhere else on your web page? It looks like the top-right corner of the main image in the gallery is going to be a problem.

Here's the best I've been able to come up with at the moment.
It's overly complicated, imperfect (to say the least) and only works under certain conditions.
Still, it might be useful as a starting point (or give you some ideas).

<script src="jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>

    var jb = new juicebox({
        containerId: 'juicebox-container',
        imageClickMode: 'NONE'

    function set_icon() {
        window.setTimeout(function() {
            var index = jb.getImageIndex()
            var image = index - 1;
            var image_width = $('.jb-dt-main-image-' + image + ' .jb-dt-main-image').width();
            var image_height = $('.jb-dt-main-image-' + image + ' .jb-dt-main-image').height();
            var image_area_height = $('.jb-panel-detail').height();
            var top_position = Math.floor((image_area_height - image_height) / 2) ;
            var left_position = (Math.floor(image_width / 2)) - 50; // Subtract width of custom icon
            $('.jbn-nav-right-touch-area').append('<img id="custom-icon" style="cursor: pointer; display: block; left: ' + left_position +  'px; opacity: 1; position: absolute; top: ' + top_position + 'px; z-index: 9999;" src="custom_icon.png" width="50" height="50" alt="custom icon" />');
        }, 750);

    jb.onImageChange = function() {
    jb.onShowThumbs = function() {
    $(window).resize(function() {

    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('body').on('click', '#custom-icon', function() {

<div id="juicebox-container"></div>

(1) The custom icon is appended to the right navigation hit area (rather than the main image itself) to avoid z-index issues.
(2) The setTimeout() delay is required for the repositioning of the custom icon when the thumbnails are toggled on and off and when the gallery is closed from its expanded state.
(3) The code above works only when imageClickMode="NONE". If using imageClickMode="NAVIGATE", then you'll need to add onclick="jb.toggleExpand()" as an attribute to the dynamically added <img> tag due to click handler binding issues (not ideal but the only workaround I've found so far.).
(4) Hooking into the onShowThumbs() and onImageChange() Juicebox-Pro API methods, the custom icon does not disappear as quickly as it should before being repositioned (but this may not be a problem if all your images are the same shape and size and you do not allow the thumbnails to be toggled on and off).

I realise that this is far from ideal but it's the only functional solution I've been able to come up with so far.
(I'd still recommend working with the available configuration options within the design parameters to ensure a problem-free solution.)

Re: Creating a new Full Screen Icon over image [SOLVED]

Thanks Steven

I think this is a perfect start to getting a working solution. I attempted to position the icon in the same way you are doing, but found the positioning off, I think I needed the timeout to allow for everything to get in position.

Thanks again for the help, really appreciate it. You can mark this as solved.

Re: Creating a new Full Screen Icon over image [SOLVED]

You're welcome!
I'm glad I was able to help.