Topic: Config File Not Found but gallery works in local test [SOLVED]

I am beating my head into the wall trying to figure this out.  I have tested my gallery in Firefox locally and it works perfectly. I couldn't have it more perfect. When I upload it to my website to make it live, it gives me the Config File Not Found.  Now, I am not a brilliant web designer. I work in FrontPage 2003.  I thought I could figure out the path error but cannot find where the script is linked to the config file to change the path.  I am not sure how to ask for help here either except if anyone could tell me where this should be so I can see if I can find the path problem. I can't find it anywhere.  When I open the code for the page and the index.html file, I don't see a path that goes to config.xml.  I am up too late and very tired trying to figure this out, so I hope this makes sense. If I need to paste code in here for reference please let me know and I will. My gallery I open in Chrome and it's  I see an error when I go there.  I'm sorry if I repeated myself, I'm very tired. Can someone please help me with this?

Re: Config File Not Found but gallery works in local test [SOLVED]

By default (if you do not specify a configUrl or a baseUrl in your gallery's embedding code), Juicebox will look for a file named 'config.xml' in the same directory as the web page containing the embedding code.
Therefore, Juicebox is looking for your gallery's configuration file to be here:
... but it is not there.

I notice that you have uploaded a complete gallery folder to your 'mygallery' directory (and you already load the 'juicebox'js' file from this location).
All you now need to do is point Juicebox towards this gallery folder by adding a baseUrl entry to your embedding code.

new juicebox({
containerId: "juicebox-container",
galleryWidth: "600",
galleryHeight: "650",
backgroundColor: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"

... to:

new juicebox({
baseUrl: "mygallery/",
containerId: "juicebox-container",
galleryWidth: "600",
galleryHeight: "650",
backgroundColor: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"

Juicebox will now look for the configuration file inside the 'mygallery' folder (and will find it there).

For reference, the baseUrl can be relative (to the web page containing the embedding code) or absolute (in the form '').

There are short descriptions of Embed Options (such as configUrl and baseUrl) here.

The baseUrl method of embedding is documented here.

Re: Config File Not Found but gallery works in local test [SOLVED]

It worked! I can't thank you enough!

Re: Config File Not Found but gallery works in local test [SOLVED]

You're welcome! I'm glad you've got it working.
Thank you for letting me know.