Thank you for providing the URL to your gallery's web page.
It looks like the problem is that there is not enough room in your gallery's caption area to display the Flickr descriptions along with the Flickr titles.
When setting captionPosition="BELOW_IMAGE" (as your gallery does), Juicebox uses the maxCaptionHeight value as the actual height of the caption area (rather than a maximum value). (This is noted in the short description for maxCaptionHeight in the Caption Options section of the Config Options page.)
Your gallery currently sets maxCaptionHeight to "50px" which is too short to accommodate both the Flickr titles and descriptions.
Increase maxCaptionHeight (perhaps to its default value of 120) and you should see the Flickr descriptions below the Flickr titles.
(Incidentally, the value for maxCaptionHeight should be just a numeric value, without the 'px' suffix.)
I hope this resolves your problem.