Topic: How change the path of ‘spinner.gif’ [SOLVED]

I change ‘spinner.gif’ for another and i have numerous gallery, but these gallery must be update frequently, it's long and boring to change the GIF for each gallery.
Is it possible change the path (embed code) of  ‘spinner.gif’ to put it in another folder, so tt the gif is common to all my new gallery ?

Re: How change the path of ‘spinner.gif’ [SOLVED]

It's not possible to change the path to the 'spinner.gif' file in the gallery's embedding code (there is no configuration option to point towards a custom GIF file) but you can change the path on line 743 of your gallery's 'jbcore/classic/theme.css' file:

background: url('img/spinner.gif') no-repeat center;

... (although this is probably no more convenient than swapping the GIF file in the 'jbcore/classic/img/' folder).

You can, however, have all your galleries share a single 'jbcore' folder so you would need to modify just one 'jbcore' folder (rather than one for each gallery) by swapping the GIF file in the 'img' folder or changing its path in the 'theme.css' file.
Please see the Using an External jbcore Folder support section for details.

Alternatively, you could add the following CSS to the <head> section of your gallery's web page which will override the entry in the gallery's 'theme.css' file. (The path should be relative to the gallery's web page.)

<style type="text/css">
    div.jb-status-loading {
        background: url('new_spinner.gif') no-repeat center !important;

This should save you from having to modify any 'jbcore' folders at all but modifying one 'jbcore' folder once and having all your galleries share it might be a more convenient solution in the long run. Having all your galleries share a single 'jbcore' folder also has the added advantage that when a new version of Juicebox is released, you can upgrade all your galleries at once by swapping just one 'jbcore' folder on your web server. (Just don't forget to modify the spinner in it first!)

I hope this helps.

Please note that the line number above refers to the current version of Juicebox-Pro (v1.5.0).

Re: How change the path of ‘spinner.gif’ [SOLVED]

It's perfect.

Re: How change the path of ‘spinner.gif’ [SOLVED]

You're welcome!