1 (edited by mako 2016-12-13 21:13:04)

Topic: Splash Page Problem [SOLVED]


on our responisve site we generated a juicebox lite galery.

It looks great on PCs, Tablets ... on mobile not.

On an iphone 4 the gallery splash page is looking terrible. The picture is distorted. Link dead...
What is wrong? I think about css informations......?????

By ordering the Pro i made the galeries without a splash page. Here the same page with Pro and no Splash Page. Link dead...

But it will look better with an splash page.

Can someone help me? Sorry for my bad english.....

Greetings mako

Re: Splash Page Problem [SOLVED]

It looks like your gallery's Splash Page image is being squashed by the following custom CSS code from line 154 of your 'style.css' page:

.content-box .item img{display: block;width: 100% !important;height: auto;-webkit-transition: all .5s ease; /* Safari and Chrome */-moz-transition: all .5s ease; /* Firefox */-ms-transition: all .5s ease; /* IE 9 */-o-transition: all .5s ease; /* Opera */transition: all .5s ease;}

... specifically the width: 100% !important; entry.
This custom CSS rule is being applied to all <img> tags within .content-box .item (which is where your gallery is) including those in your gallery.
Normally, Juicebox center-crops the Splash Page to fill the viewport but your custom CSS overrides this and forces the image to be displayed with 100% width no matter what size the Splash Page is.

First of all, try removing !important from width: 100% !important; to see if this helps. (This might be all that is required to solve your problem.)

You could also target your custom CSS to only those elements on your web page that require them using further CSS selectors.

Another possible solution might be to use the following CSS:

.jb-splash-holder img {
    width: auto !important;

Add it to your web page after your 'style.css' file is loaded (maybe at the end of your gallery's 'jbcore/classic/theme.css' file) so that it is used in preference to your own custom CSS for the Splash Page image.

Re: Splash Page Problem [SOLVED]

Dear Steven,

it works great! Thank you very much.
This is support in the first line.

Best regards mako

Re: Splash Page Problem [SOLVED]

You're welcome!